12984 Hwy 55W, York, SC, 29745
12984 Hwy 55W, York, SC, 29745
Our Service Days and Times:
To Our Visitors
It's not by accident that you've come to our site. We would love the opportunity to meet you and get to know you. We are excited to share with you the marvelous ways God is working in our church. It won't take you long to discover that this truly is a family, rich in relationships that matter most. If you have been thinking, praying, searching and hoping for a place to belong, we would love to have you as part of our family!
It's not by accident that you've come to our site. We would love the opportunity to meet you and get to know you. We are excited to share with you the marvelous ways God is working in our church. It won't take you long to discover that this truly is a family, rich in relationships that matter most. If you have been thinking, praying, searching and hoping for a place to belong, we would love to have you as part of our family!
- Information:
- 2024 Bible Reading in the Sanctuary Thanks to all who helped with the Bible Reading over the past two years. We are finished, praise the Lord! We have started over to read through it again. Just come by the church when you have time or even before/after service. Only requirement is that you read it aloud in the sanctuary.
- Midway Christian Academy MCA and Afterschool program information can be found on the school website; check it out: https://www.midwaychristianacademy.org/ and their Facebook page is: https://www.facebook.com/midwaychristianacademy
- Midway Christian Academy Offering Envelopes are available in the foyer on the Welcome Desk. PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO MIDWAY BAPTIST CHURCH with a note for Midway Christian Academy in the memo and place in the MCA offering envelope.
- Food Pantry News: If you know of anyone in need of food, please call the church at 803-222--2909 or contact Larry Felker.
- Fellowship Hall Any church member wishing to reserve the fellowship hall will need to email [email protected] Please include the date and times you would like to reserve the building (all set up and clean up time should be included in the time reserved.)
- Choir Practice!!! Every Sunday 5pm (up until Revival). Come and make a joyful noise. After Revival we will meet the 1st, 3rd, & 5th Sundays for practice.
- Operation Christmas Child 2024 This year we will have a Shoebox Packing Party. It's never too early to start buying for this year's shoeboxes. We will collect for all 3 age groups for both girls and boys. There are 3 age labeled tubs at the back of the church to put items in. We will host a packing party to pack shoeboxes with the items that have been donated on NOVEMBER 9TH. This enables everyone to have a chance to participate with the shoeboxes; whether it’s picking up a couple of items over the next 2 months or coming to help pack or both. Check the clearance sections and discount stores for gifts to fill your box. Remember, the main purpose for filling a shoe box is to share the gospel with the child that receives it. It is said that each box can reach up to at least 10 people, it's a multiplication effect. For more information you contact Paula Traylor or Jenna Dye. TIME TO GET SHOPPING!!!!
- Phone Tree: If you would like to be added to our phone tree, which is used for prayer request and other church information updates, please write you name and phone number on the bulletin tab and put in the prayer box located in under the sound booth.
- Pianist: We are currently seeking a church pianist for our Bible Believing church. If you are interested please contact or church office at 803-222-2909 or [email protected]
- September 8th Spring Oak Senior Living Ministry (Formerly Carolina Gardens Ministry) 4pm at Carolina Gardens in York. Come and be an encouragement to the residents.
- September 9th Gastonia Street Ministry 6:30pm Gastonia. For more information about this ministry please contact Dean Hendrix.
- September 10th Men's Bible Study 7pm For more information contact Billy Vinson.
- September 12th Young Adult Bible Study 6:30pm Come for a time of studying God's word and a time of fellowship. Bring a friend. For more details contact Luke Dellinger.
- September 15th Serve "Team Chris" 4pm in the Fellowship Hall.
- September 16th Palmetto Maternity Home Baby Shower/Ladies Fellowship 7pm In the Fellowship hall. Join us for a night of gathering together gifts for the Mothers & new babies at the home. Bring your favorite baby shower food, a pack of wipes, a pack of diapers (newborn-size 1) & enjoy a night of fellowship as we pour into these new Mom's & their blessings from the Lord!!! For more info. contact Paula Traylor or Nikki Allen.
- September 22nd Spring Oak Senior Living Ministry (Formerly Carolina Gardens Ministry) 4pm at Carolina Gardens in York. Come and be an encouragement to the residents.
- SIGN UP SHEETS for: Nightly Prayer (leading up to Revival), Day of Prayer September 28th, and for Counselors during Revival can be found in the Blue Binder on the credenza in the church foyer.
- Sept. 23rd, 24th, 26th, 27th, 28th, 30th Prayer for Revival 7pm
- Sept. 28th Fasting & Prayer for Revival 6am to 6pm
- Oct. 19th Young At Heart Trip to the Billy Graham Library SAVE THE DATE!!! We will leave the church around 9am. It is free to get in, the only money you will need will be for lunch and for shopping in Ruth's Closet at the Library. There is a sign up sheet in the Blue Binder on the credenza in the church foyer.
Be sure to visit our Facebook page Midway Baptist Church Info. & Events. You can just click the link to the left.
You can contact us by email by clicking the link to the left. |
Church Office Hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 9am-12pm. Wednesday 12pm-3pm . If you have an announcement for the bulletin or need information, you can either call the church office, send an email to [email protected], or place a written request in the box on the office door. If the request is made after hours, Paula will respond during the next office hours.
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 9am-12pm. Wednesday 12pm-3pm . If you have an announcement for the bulletin or need information, you can either call the church office, send an email to [email protected], or place a written request in the box on the office door. If the request is made after hours, Paula will respond during the next office hours.